We returned to the 2015 Newport Beach Show bigger and stronger with our very own room with the help of some of our very generous friends. Room 1027 featured Marten Django L floor standing speakers ($9000), Audio Zone’s new PRE-T2 passive preamp, the, Dynamic Design modified, Amp-D2 class D monoblocs and, Teac’s TD-501HR/UD-501 digital front-end. Stillpoints were everywhere and the rack was Daedalus Audio’s 3-shelf unit. The room (of course) also featured our $699 AnnaLyric Systems PC-2 power cord (on AC Conditioner), $399 AnnaLyric Systems PC-1 power cords on the monoblocs, $699 AnnaLyric Systems DPC-2 Digital power cords on the Digital front-end, $350 AnnaLyric Systems IC-1 interconnects, $599 AnnaLyric Systems SC-1 speaker cables with the AnnaLyric Systems AC-8 AC Conditioner rounding out the system.
The room sounded magical with a nuanced and powerful sound that rocked!!! All of which would not have been possible without the assistance of our good friends and partners, Dan Meinwald of EAR-USA, Bill Artope of Sound Marketing, Lou Hinkley of Daedalus Audio and, George Tordai of Audio Zone. Thanks guys!!!